Kemonotown is the location in which Love at Furst Bite and Patches' Infurno take place. It is surrounded by Kemono Woods, which by contrast is the location of Purrgatory Furever.
Kemonotown has a population of about 15,000 animals, 90% of which are dogs and 10% are non-feline animals (usually consisting of rabbits, birds, deer, cows, etc, nothing exotic that wouldn't be found in a forest/prairie-esque biome). Animals typically keep to their own kind, but formal segregation is really only a thing between cats and dogs.
Hachiko High School is one of many schools in Kemonotown. It is attended by mostly dogs and is home to clubs like the "Literature Club" and the vaguely known "Sports Team". Its logo is a golden star with HHS on it.
Kemonotown has a few instances of modern digital technology, as seen with the computer seen at the school library or the monitor at the school's cafeteria. By contrast, Kemono Woods has no digital technology, with their main means of staying connected being related to magic.
- Kemono is a Japanese word (ケモノ). It is derived from 獣 meaning beast, and is often used in reference to anthropomorphic animal characters in pop culture.